The First Verse. The Longest Verse

Symmetrical view inside a city subway car with blue seats
If I were to see you
Worse, meet you
Right now..
After this whole year
I might think 
What I'm thinking
Right now.

I know.
All it will take is 
Just this one
Chance encounter
To get my head spinning
And my heart grooving
To insomnia.

After all
It's been an year,
It's been an year
Since I realised
That you were no longer
A part of me
That I no longer needed
To drop my apprehensions
That I no longer
Would pretend otherwise.

I would look at you
And we'll come towards
Each other
Without saying anything.

I'd act surprised
To veil my longing
My loss
My one wound that will
Never heal.
But I'll smile
And be surprised
And ask you
Something which I don't
Really want to know.

You'll answer 
While the same song that 
We used to hum together
Would play in my head
And perhaps in yours too.
And I'll smile
To see that same smile of yours
You used to smile an year ago.

That would be 
The death of me.
For whatever 
Mortal time
We tried 
To be one
This Ephemeral
Was supposed to fade.
And perhaps it did fade.
It did.
But when I'd see that door again
The escape will stay forever
But not until I see you
Not until our worlds collide 
Once again
Like they did.

I hope you know this too.
We never move on for somethings
And pretend that we have. 
Because after all
We're all just real good 

And see, the longest verse
In this collection still belongs to 
You. To you
My love.
